A series of No Cost (or low cost) Activities are shown below.

Test Drive a Retro Camaro

There are LOTS of them in LOTS of Car LOTS to choose from!

They are meant to look kinda like this "Bitchin Camaro" (song):

See the Street Machine Restoration of "Black Diamond" in "Bish's Tim's Hideaway" by this "Working Man" where "Every Picture Tells A Story" and you can't have "Something For Nothing".
"Go Little Camaro Go"!
There are other Vehicle Projects along with the upcoming Street Rod Restoration.

Camp at Walmart

Sleep at or on the Beach

In Van, on Van, in Lifeguard Stand, or on Sand

Obey all rules (i.e. Free Parking hours: 6:01pm - 8:59am)

Stroll on the Beach

Park under a Shade Tree and Enjoy the Scenery

Socialize with Stranded Motorists

No electricity to pump gas after severe weather struck West Virginia and Ohio.
The vehicle ran out of gasoline while exiting the dark highway at 1:30AM and literally coasted up to the gas pump after driving 555.2 miles on the completely full 30 gallon gas tank (555.2 miles / 30 gallons = 18.51 MPG).
An unknown and extremely kind and thoughtful person dropped off jugs full of gasoline for the stranded motorists, at NO COST and refused to accept money. Three jugs each containing approximately 1/3 gallon of remaining gasoline were poured into the gas tank and permitted the vehicle to be driven 17.1 additional miles to the closest gas station that did have electricity.

Note too that approximately 29 years earlier, the author's semi ran out of diesel and it too literally coasted up to the fuel pumps in North Carolina (but there was electricity to power the pumps).

Put a Sign (virtually no cost) and/or a Flag (low cost: $1.99) on your Vehicle

Visit a State Park

Looking south in Virginia, there's Big Pinnacle 32 miles away
(above the steep grade warning sign)
at Pilot Mountain State Park in North Carolina.

Big Pinnacle

Take your Best Friend to Work with you...

and Watch him from your Window While you Work:

Closer look:

Watch a Busy Beaver

Bird Watching and Listening (and Sing-Along)

Mockingbird sing-along with James Taylor and Carly Simon

Feed a baby Mockingbird

(all it takes is just a little bit of cat food)

Trap and Tame a Coyote

Hug a Friend

Play with a Friend

Play Hide And Go Seek

Have a Diverse Party like these Party Animals

(Diverse as in: Cats allowed)

You can Dance

Play with a Toy

Take a Nap

Get a Hair Cut

NOT a 'low cost' at between $38 and $50 for this Yorkshire TERROR!

Take a Shower

Brush your Teeth

Don't forget to Floss!

Open a Window for Fresh Air

And to listen to Birds sing and to watch
Squirrels, Chipmunks, Rabbits, Deer, Coyotes, and Insects graze and play.
But watch out for Birds of Prey overhead!

Have a non-Diverse Party

(non-Diverse as in: NO Cats allowed)

Camp in the Snow

Build a Snowman (or woman)

Observe Deer (observing you (left))

Observe Insects

Feed the Homeless

Watch others (not) catch Fish

Catch up on Paperwork

Search for your next New Adventure

See examples HERE.

Review Famous Statements By Famous People

And don't forget those who Look AND Sound Like Famous People.

Wash your Vehicle

See more requirements HERE.

Maintain your Vehicle

Enjoy Boredom

A 1980 (or about then) issue of Reader's Digest had an article entitled 'How To Enjoy Boredom' (or something like that).
In that article, that Reader's Digest has not been able to locate, the skill of enjoying boredom was discussed.
That skill can come in very handy at times such as during long bouts of bad weather. Examples follow:

Kirsten Bravo

Olga Bravo

Western Horizon

Relax and Enjoy Music from your generation

And don't forget:
Mellow Videos
Country Videos
Rock Videos
Hard Rock Videos
Punk Rock Videos
Disco Videos
Midi Music

Investigate and Appreciate (true) (fine) Art

1851 painting 'Going to Market' by Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)

hit counter script
hit counter script