Episode 16

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     ZOOM OUT    Zoom out of image
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All other Episodes are available at THE GREEN HISTORY DETECTIVES

Episode 16

Who can tell us where this prank took place?

Clue #1:

The portion of the photo above of the window below and between the man and the buggy on the roof
is shown below to the left and a portion of the photo taken by the Google Maps Car in August 2011
is shown below to the right:




The solution is given below.

DO NOT scroll down further

UNLESS you would like to see the solution.


The prank took place in Uniontown, Ohio in the 1950's on top of the building shown in the photo
below taken by the Google Maps Car in August 2011:

A wider view is given below to include the building to the left which used to be the
Post Office in the early 1900's and the building to the right which used to be the
Hardware Store and later Bakery as learned in Episode 1

Observe the set of photos below:
