Episode 1

NOTE: The set of buttons above an image allow you to Zoom In and Out of the image.
Zooming is most effectively performed by clicking on 'ZOOM IN' or 'ZOOM OUT'
and then pressing the enter key repeatedly as desired.
Panning is most effectively performed by using the cursor keys.

All other Episodes are available at THE GREEN HISTORY DETECTIVES

Episode 1

Who can tell us where the photo below was taken?
Extra Credit: Who can tell us what year the photo below was taken?

Clue #1:

The building down the street in the photo below from 1915 eventually had a bakery in it.
Notice the Steam Roller to the right in the photo:




The solution is given below.

DO NOT scroll down further

UNLESS you would like to see the solution.


The first photo above was taken in about 1905 and is of the Uniontown Post Office, which was
located on the south-west corner of the Uniontown Square.
Below is a photo taken from (about) the same spot 106 years later in 2011 by the Google Maps Car:

The second photo above was taken in about 1915 near the north-west corner of the Uniontown Square.
Below is a photo taken from (about) the same spot 98 years later in 2011 by the Google Maps Car:

For those interested, below is a Google Maps Car:

And below is a (portable) parking lot FULL of Google Maps Cars:

You can learn all about the Google Maps Street View at Street View.
It is very interesting and educational.

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