Episode 50

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Episode 50

Who can identify the specific beast in the image below?

Clue #1:

It weighed nearly 60 pounds in the image above.

Clue #2:

It was nearly 50 inches long in the image above.

Clue #3:

It took over an hour and 20 minutes to reel it in.

Clue #4:

It lived and possibly still lives in Portage Lakes.

Clue #5:

It lived and possibly still lives in the East Reservoir of Portage Lakes.

Clue #6:

It was caught using a Rapala lure on 10-pound test line.




The solution is given below.

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UNLESS you would like to see the solution.


It's the huge Flathead Catfish that Keith Baker (from Uniontown with work in Hartville) caught and
then released on April 26, 2008 during a bass tournament held at the Portage Lakes to raise money
for children:

The then 57 pound 12.4 ounce, 49.5” long, 34” girth beast may still be lurking where it was caught
and released in the area shown below:

View Larger Map

The Suburbanite story is at: Big Cat of the Portage Lakes.

The record Ohio Flathead Catfish weight is 76.5 pounds with a length of 58 5/8 inches. It was
caught on July 28, 1979 in New Philadelpia in Clendening Lake as documented at:
Current Ohio Record Fish.
