Episode 15

The buttons above images are identified and described below:
     CHANGE    Change to the other image in the set
     ZOOM IN    Zoom into image
     NORMAL    Restore image to initial size
     ZOOM OUT    Zoom out of image
Repeating an operation is most effectively performed by clicking
on a button and then pressing the enter key repeatedly as desired.
Panning is most effectively performed by using the cursor keys.

All other Episodes are available at THE GREEN HISTORY DETECTIVES

Episode 15

Who can tell us what the building is in the reduced quality image below?

Clue #1:

A higher quality image of the reduced quality image is included in the set of images below:




The solution is given below.

DO NOT scroll down further

UNLESS you would like to see the solution.


The photograph is as described by the Green Historical Society below:

The post card below was mailed March 11, 1912. Notice that the photo above includes shutters
for the first story windows but those are not included below:

Notice in the photo below that the windows have been replaced. The second story windows
are not as tall as in all previous photos and the first story windows are wider and do not
include shutters. The decorative post braces have been removed and the road appears to
be paved.

Folks at the Greensburg Post Office:
