Where is the Akron Fulton International Airport Terminal?

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The Akron Fulton International Airport Diagram and recent aerial photo are given below and include the Goodyear Airdock.
The two images may be compared by clicking on the CHANGE button:

The present Airport Diagram (Effective March 6, 2014 to April 3, 2014) above shows the current terminal located where the original terminal was located.
However, the recent Google Maps aerial photo above shows "Akron Fulton International" located right next to the Goodyear Airdock and has an address of 1600 Triplett Boulevard Akron, OH.
However, entering 1600 Triplett Boulevard Akron, OH in a Google Maps search identifies a building north and west of the runways.

When one is to go to the Akron Fulton International Airport, to which of the following locations
does one go?

  1. To the original Terminal building as shown in the Airport Diagram at 1800 Triplett Boulevard and circled in green below.
  2. Right next to the Goodyear Airdock as circled in yellow below.
  3. 1600 Triplett Boulevard as circled in red below.
  4. Other (i.e. None of the above)
